
OpenOSX Grass Leopard Update:

This application will update OpenOSX Grass to be fully compatible with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. Download, uncompress, double-click the resulting file and locate your OpenOSX Grass application to update it.

OpenOSX Office Leopard Update
This application will update OpenOSX Office to be fully compatible with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. Download, uncompress, double-click the resulting file and locate your OpenOSX Grass application to update it.

OpenOSX TrojanDefuser

This application will allow you to drag files that are suspected of being the recently (4/8/04) discovered Trojan Horse “MP3Virus.Gen” by making a copy of the suspected file without the resource fork, therefore eliminating the potentially malicious code and preserving the data fork of the file. If the dragged file(s) is type “APPL” (application), then it will be considered suspect. By downloading this software you are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions contained in GNU General Public License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. DOWNLOAD

Mac OS X 10.3 Panther and OpenOSX Compatibility Statement

(archaic) OpenPrint Jaguar Update
OpenPrint Jaguar Update will resolve a potential printing issue with OpenPrint on some Jaguar systems. It has been designed and only tested on systems running Mac OS X 10.2.x (Jaguar) with OpenOSX Office 1.0v2 installed. We have built this update into our older Jaguar Update below, so this package is not required if you will be installing the Jaguar Update (below).

(archaic) OpenWeb 2.5.1 Update
OpenWeb 2.5.1 Update is designed only for our OpenWeb 2.5 CD and will update your OpenWeb installation to be the same as the (current) 2.5.1 CD. It is a recommended update for all OpenWeb 2.5 users.

Apple X11 and OpenOSX Compatibility Statement

(archaic) Grass 5.0.1 Update (not for OpenOSX Grass 5.0.2 or greater)
OpenOSX Grass Update is only for our Grass 5.0.0 Version 1 CD and will update your Grass installation to be the same as the Version 2 CD. It will fix a few potential bugs including a “window name ‘frameosx_BG’ already exists in parent” error and install Tcl/Tk 8.4.1. Install this update after you have installed your Grass 5.0.0 Version 1 CD.

(archaic) Jaguar Updates

We have developed three packages that enable Jaguar compatibility for our product line. A single update for our Office, Gimp, Grass (only for versions of Grass prior to our 5.0.0 CD) and XFree products is available as a free package from here. Our OpenWeb update is available from here, and an OpenDB update is available from here. Please note that the OpenWeb and OpenDB updates were designed for installation on a Jaguar system that does not already have an existing OpenWeb or OpenDB installation. The Office/Gimp/Grass and XFree updater may be installed both on a clean installation or an upgrade. We strongly recommend that all users of 10.0-10.1.x perform a clean installation of 10.2. In other words, we recommend not updating systems running 10.0-10.1.x to 10.2. With our testing, a clean installation is far more stable and much faster (both with and without our products installed). Also, note that our WinTel CD does not require an update.

(archaic) Office 1.0 v2 Update

Download OpenOSX Office 1.0 v2 Update (only for Office 1.0, not for 0.9 through 1.0p1) package that fixes a potential localization bug with AbiWord that may have caused AbiWord to fail from launching. It was not feasible to create a downloadable update for Office for 0.9 through 1.0p1. Support for this package will be provided to OpenOSX Office 1.0 customers, if required, email

(archaic) PHP 4.1.2

Download our PHP 4.1.2 package. This package also restores OpenWeb functionality after updating a 10.1.x system to Jaguar (10.2). Due to the recently discovered security vulnerabilities with earlier versions of Php, it is a recommend update for all users of Php (installed by our OpenWeb/OpenDB). In addition to PHP, the package will also install the dependent libraries: PDF Lib (in demo mode), Curl 7.9.2, Freetype 2.0.4 and DL Lib. The OpenOSX PHP 4.1.2 package was built with following options enabled: XML, MySQL, PostgreSQL, FreeType, iODBC, Tiff Lib, JPEG Lib, Z Lib, FTP, GD, WDDX, BC Math, Exif, Trans SID and Track Vars. Support will only be provided to customers and subscription members of the OpenOSX OpenWeb 2.1 CD and the OpenOSX OpenDB 2.1 CD who may require assistance with installation of the package.

(archaic) Gimp 1.2.3 Launch Items
Download our Gimp 1.2.3 Launch Items package for our OpenOSX Gimp 1.2.3p2 CD. This package will also delete “left-over” files from installation. Note that to use Gimp 1.2.3p2, you must first install Gimp 1.2.2.

(archaic) OpenPrint
Download OpenPrint 1.0 (only for Office 0.9 through 1.0p1, not for 1.0 or 1.0 vX) package that enables Mac OS X Preview and Print Center Support for AbiWord installed by OpenOSX. It was not feasible to create a downloadable update for Gnumeric to enable the same functionality, however Office 0.9 users may still print to a PDF which may be double-clicked previewed and/or printed.

This package does not come with support. If you require support and/or Gnumeric printing capability and/or graphing you may upgrade to the Office 1.0p1 CD for $20. To qualify, place an order and provide us with your order number (12 digits).

If you do not have your order number you may email to acquire it. Note: this package also installs Ghostscript 6.52, which offers a myriad of command line postscript and PDF tools.

(archaic) Apache 1.3.22
Download our Apache 1.3.22 with PHP 4.1.1 package (designed to update OpenWeb and OpenDB CDs versions 1.x through 2.0). This package is to be installed after OpenWeb/OpenDB CDs and after updating to 10.1.2. This package does not come with support. Install the PHP 4.1.2 package above after this package.